The comprehensive exam will be administered at the end of the 2nd year of the program and is comprised of both a written and oral portion. The written exam is consists of three sections: a) Theory, which requires the student to analyze a research article, b) Case study, which requires the student to evaluate a case study (specifically to assess and diagnose using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM 5)), and c) Treatment: which requires the student to create an appropriate treatment plan for the aforementioned case study. The oral exam will take approximately 1.5 hours. In this portion, the student will answer questions from a panel of faculty assessing accrued learning from the previous two years of study, and their ability to integrate multiple aspects of that learning and think critically in the moment. In addition, during the oral exam, students will be asked about their plans immediately after graduation. The student must pass both the written and oral portions of the comprehensive exam in order to successfully complete their degree and graduate from the program.